Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tag...I'm it!

Rebecca tagged me so here we go...

*10 years ago:
I just finished massage school and i was taking the state test to be a massage therapist. Krystel my oldest was six months old so i was still a new daddy.

*5 Things on my to do list today

1-taking the kids to school (done)
2-playing Mr MOM (still)
3-Take jaelyn to the docter (done)
4-Take the girls to dance (done)
5-laundry (working on that tonight)

*Things I would do if I was suddenly a billionaire

1-pay lots of tithing
2-pay off house and cars
3-start a huge college fund for the kids
4-Buy angie a bookstore or a library
5-Get me a hummer and or a charger
6-take my family to disneyland
7-Help others that are hurting for money
8-make a good saving

*3 bad habits
1-I bite my nails
2-drink to much soda
3-work too much and not play enough

*Places I have lived (in no order)
1-New Mexico,farmington
2-salt lake city ut
3-tooele ut
4-New zealand

*Jobs I have had
-Gas station service attendent, bus boy, office assistant, medical service tech, and now a dad and dispatcher for 25 drivers for intermountain Homecare

*Things most people don't know about me
-I love to drive trucks
-my favorite food is chicken and rice
-I've never been into sports

*I am obsessed with
-with shopping , buying soft drinks and buying movies

*When I was young I wanted to be
A policeman or into law enforcement


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You are obsessed with shopping! Me too :)

rogersinkc said...

wonderful tag.